Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jeb raises his hand when Lindsey Graham asks his audience: 'How many of you are Democrats?'


'I'm thinking about it very seriously' Donald Trump says of suing 'liar' Ted Cruz while the Texas senator continues running ads saying The Donald can't be trusted...

Obama rejects GOP calls to let next president choose Scalia's successor...

vows to nominate...

Apple ordered to help FBI unlock phone belonging to San Bernardino shooter..

Missouri police say dog stopped sexual assault...

Oklahoma Earthquakes Prompt Agency to Call for Well Cutbacks.....

GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush tweets picture of a gun with his name on it, captioning it 'America'.....

Say 'hello' to Jeb's little friend.....

maker has a long and fascinating history....

South Dakota Is The First State To Pass A Transphobic Student Bathroom Bill.....

In South Carolina, Clinton and Sanders compete for black votes .....

'Single-issue' candidate Bernie Sanders touches on 20 issues during a Michigan campaign stop...

Could Michigan's Restrictive Student Voter Law Hurt Bernie Sanders?.....

Police: Woman abandons baby in toilet at Subway after giving birth in restroom.....

Brazil's 5,500 Bankruptcies in 2015 Signal Deeper Credit Crisis.....

Dad accused of attacking teenager that defeated his son in a wrestling match by slamming him onto a hallway floor...
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Japanese nursing home worker admits to throwing three elderly residents off balconies...

Hackers Post Confidential Records of 4,000 Palm Beach County Cops, Prosecutors, and Judges...

Man Robbed Of Cookies In San Francisco ...

Analysis: Cruz tax plan would benefit rich, explode deficit...

would cost $8.6 trillion, second only to Trump...

Commercial flights to Cuba to resume, may be boom for Florida airports...

Hackers Hold a Hollywood Hospital's Files for Ransom, Demand $3.4 Million...

hack reveals digital risk in medical world...

Bill Cosby loses appeal; assault case appears headed to evidence hearing ...

Facing Severe Food Shortages, Venezuela Pushes Urban Gardens...

Officer Pulls Over Funeral Procession on Freeway for Traveling Too Slow ...

3D printer can print bone, cartilage and skeletal muscle....

Chinese-American professionals wage civil rights movement against U.S. spying accusations....

Scrap the $100 bill and make life tougher for criminals, Larry Summers says....

NC man wanted on 66 counts of child sex crimes, including rape of 11-year-old....

FCC commissioner: U.S. tradition of free expression slipping away....

Cubans pouring into Texas get a helping hand and full benefits....

Colorado surgical tampering case prompts review of 3,000 patients....

Michigan man raped toddler in motel, shared recording...

Cops surround home, find family watching 'The Walking Dead'...

Bill to require anesthesia for a fetus before some abortions --- based on the premise that the fetus can feel pain....

Deadly Sacramento Hit-And-Run Crash Brings Violent End To Valentine's Day Date...

Second-worst charity in America agrees to shut down....

Man cuts off penis on Valentine's Day....

Referee 'shot dead by player he sent off' during amateur match in Argentina....

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The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
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Florida teen arrested for impersonating a doctor, dispensing medical advice...

Performing Exam as Fake Doctor, With Own Offices....

Bosses Harness Big Data to Predict Which Workers Might Get Sick...

32-year-old Sioux Falls woman charged with raping 7-year-old boy...

23-yr-old run over by truck asks doctors to harvest organs...

Russian '$5,000-a-night prostitute' who claims Eliot Spitzer choked her had previously accused NJ man of 'grabbing her neck and slamming her head on a counter'...

Homeless man takes police on slow-speed chase on the Seven Mile Bridge -- on a backhoe....

Student debt protests planned after armed marshals arrest man for old loans....

Disturbing Suicide Cluster Prompts CDC to Start Investigation in Palo Alto....

Mississippi House passes 'See Something, Say Something Act of 2016'...

Super- private social media network launched to take on Facebook with support of Anonymous....

France's Sarkozy placed under investigation in campaign funding probe: prosecutor...

Judge: Louisiana Can't Enforce Abortion Law During Appeal...

Zion Square to be renamed 'Tolerance Square' to honor Gay Pride Parade murder victim...

Obama to sign law banning US imports of fish caught by slave labor ...

Gender-bending dog adopted by Michigan gay rights attorney ...

Alabama places 'failing' label on majority black schools only ...

Young Saudis See Cushy Jobs Vanish Along With Nation's Oil Wealth ...


XXX Honor The Fallen XXX


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