Sunday, February 21, 2016



Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead at 79...
President Obama to nominate Scalia successor 'in due time'...
Obama's Supreme Court short list...
Ted Cruz Plans to Filibuster Any Supreme Court Nominee Made by President Obama ...
'Delay, delay, delay!' Trump and other Republicans call on Senate to block Obama's nomination to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court during 9th GOP debate ...
What Happens to the Big Supreme Court Cases ...
Legal disarray after shock death ...

Trump bludgeoned in nastiest GOP debate...

amplifies personal attacks in brutal South Carolina debate...

dodges on whether George W. Bush should have been impeached...

bitter clashes...

Republican Debate Turns Ugly..

Hawaii declares state of emergency over Zika virus, dengue fever outbreak...

200,000 Brazilian troops launch attack on mosquitoes.....

​Church lifts ban of Indian priest convicted of U.S. sexual assault.....

North Carolina woman gets 6 DWIs in 16 months.....

Clinton: GOP calls to block Obama court nominee are 'outrageous'....

Team Clinton growing nervous about Nevada .....

Missile Mistakenly Sent to Cuba in 2014 Returned to U.S...

Judge who specialized in prosecuting drunk drivers is arrested for DWI while driving to the courthouse.....

Men face higher risk of cancers linked to oral sex.....

Hospitals Adopting More Apologetic, Open Programs For Medical Errors.....

Prison for mother who silently watched boyfriend beat her 4-year-old daughter to death....
Arizona Republic, The
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
CBS News
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dallas Morning News
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Florida Times-Union
Fox News
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hartford Courant
Houston Chronicle
Indianapolis Star and News
International Herald Tribune
Kansas City Star
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
New Jersey Online
New York Daily News
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Times
NPR Online
Orlando Sentinel
Oregonian, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Providence Journal
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Sacramento Bee
Salt Lake City Deseret News
Salt Lake City Tribune
San Antonio Express-News
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tampa Tribune
USA Today
Virginian-Pilot, The
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times

US officials think ISIS will attack America this year....

CDC: Porn actor spread HIV after testing negative for it....

Donald Trump Slams RNC for 'Deceptive' Fundraising Email....

Marco Rubio Says He Doesn't Support Drafting Women Into Combat....

With a few skin cells, scientists can make mini, thinking version of your brain....

Hack Attack: Hollywood hospital victim of cyber attack....

Mother caught driving while six times legal limit with unrestrained 1yo in car....

'Politico' editor held 'secret contest' with Clinton aides at State Dep't to name a column...

GOP governor stays popular in Democratic Massachusetts...

Peyton Manning incident cited in new lawsuit alleging culture of sexual harassment at University of Tennessee....

Peyton Manning and the sexual assault story that won't go away...

Suspect in restaurant machete attack was on FBI's radar for expressing radical Islamic views....

Top Republican: 'We have failed' to deliver ObamaCare alternative....

Fox News asks Bernie Sanders to help it land Democratic debate....

Age, The (Melbourne)
Asahi (Japan)
BBC News
CNN - World News
Canadian Online Explorer
China Daily
Hong Kong Standard
International Herald Tribune
Irish Times
Japan Times
Jerusalem Post
Johannesburg Star
Korea Herald
Le Monde (France)
London Telegraph
London Times
PlanetSun (Canada)
Russia Today
St. Petersburg Times (Russia)
South China Morning Post
Times of India
Toronto Star
USA Today World

The Blaze
Real Clear Politics
National Review
The Weekly Standard
Independent Journal Review
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos

Sanders' backers in Tennessee feel political winds shifting in his direction...

Elizabeth Warren: Republicans risk threatening 'our democracy itself' over Supreme Court seat...

Woman angry over haircut returns to the salon 'to shoot her barber' but he escapes unharmed when the gun jams...

Mum-of-12 Cheryl Prudham branded 'Britain's most shameless woman' ditches love-rat husband after threesome with own cousin....

School children asked to choose from list of 23 terms to describe their gender....

Man nabbed for 2 DUIs in 3 hours....

Mumps cases reported at Kansas State University....

Facebook's Ambitious Plans To Reach 5 Billion Users Hits A Major Roadblock...

Police Disarm 'Credible Explosive Device' at Albuquerque Airport...

George W. Bush: From South Carolina cameo to starring role ...

New smartphone app detects earthquakes; alert system could be next ...

Thousands of sharks seen migrating near coast of popular beach towns ...

Is this the next Supreme Court Justice? Indian-American litigator Sri Srinivasan is tipped as Obama's choice to replace Scalia ...


XXX Honor The Fallen XXX


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