
Obama to Announce Executive Order on Immigration .....
to act unilaterally on immigration, irking Republicans....
to legalise 5m immigrants.....
Immigrants Wait, Hope, Plan For Obama Order....
Liberals not sure why they like Obama's amnesty .....
GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order .....
GOP outrage at Obama immigration plan sticks to an old script.....

Race defines Americans' views on Ferguson shooting.....
As Ferguson braces for grand jury decision, leaders aim for longterm reforms.....
FBI Warns Ferguson Decision 'Will Likely' Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters....
Ferguson's 'Copwatch' issues body cameras....
Justice Department reviewing police response .....
Gun Sales Surge .....
With apprehension filling the air, Ferguson awaits grand jury ruling.....
Egyptian woman dies of bird flu, second death in two days...
Police: Naked burglary suspect appeared to be high....
Parade of GOP presidential hopefuls starts today in Boca Raton...
2016 Contest Overshadows GOP Governors Meeting...
No One Really Wants to Run the Republican Governors Association...
Boy, 3, has penis cut off by his aunt after he walked in on her using the toilet...
'Forgotten' brain region rediscovered a century later...
Amputee, 61, dies after horror crash where 'drunk driver smashed into him and kept driving for a mile and a half with him stuck in the windshield'...
Paul Ryan named chairman of House Ways and Means Committee....
Kansas Supreme Court allows more gay marriages....
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New York man charged for 25 cats hanging in trees....
U.S. aviation safety board says FAA can enforce rules on drones....
Advertising Error Forces Miami-Dade To Re-Approve Budget, Tax Rate....
At least 6 die as snow, cold pummels Northeast....
Brutal NY Snowstorm Claims 4 Lives ....
Seventy-Seven Zero-Inches of Snow for Buffalo as Winter Overpowers America ....
Blind raging....
Bill to Restrict N.S.A. Data Collection Blocked in Vote by Senate Republicans....
Apple, Google, Facebook team up to curb NSA powers....
After 13 years, 2 wars and trillions in military spending, terrorist attacks are rising sharply....
Female student performs live internet sex show at campus library...
Transplant dads die 'after getting alcoholic donor's kidneys'...
Anonymous hacks Klu Klux Klan Twitter account in response to taunts...
Boehner finally found someone to sue Obama. And he's a liberal....
Top Republican floats new attack plan for Obama’s immigration action....

Harry Reid on Immigration: 'Mr. President, Do it Now' ....
urges Obama to 'go big' on immigration ....
Act Quickly....
Female Indonesian police recruits forced to undergo 'virginity tests' ....
police criticised over 'discriminatory' virginity tests....
Twitter Update Now Lets Users Search Every Public Tweet Ever Sent...
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Eating trans fat may damage memory....
Mum faces bankuptcy after $1 million bill for having baby in American hospital while on holiday ....
Target to offer primary care services in new clinic model....
Mum dies after catching chicken pox at the age of 32 ...
It's Not Just Cosby: Hollywood's Long List of Male Scumbags....
Janice Dickinson Alleges That She Was 'Sexually Assaulted' By Bill Cosby....
Remember When Bill Cosby Had an Entire Comedy Routine About Drugging Women's Drinks?....
Netflix postpones Cosby show amidst sexual assualt allegations....
Don Lemon to Cosby accuser: 'There are ways not to perform oral sex'....
When Your Comic Hero Is an Alleged Rapist ....
Orthodox Jewish man beaten and spit on by three thugs who called him 'dirty f***ing Jew' in New York hate attack...
Uber driver told woman 'you deserve cancer' and bombarded her with vicious messages after she canceled ride home from radiation treatment ...
Over 5,000 dead bats drop dead from trees in quiet suburban area...

US worries Russia put a 'satellite killer' in space....
Russia's Mysterious Satellite Fuels Speculation....
Convicted felon sentenced to 25 years for throwing boiling water on his roommate's face in a dispute over breakfast sausages ....
Outrage as new Grand Theft Auto game allows player to control their avatars having first person graphic sex with a prostitute ....
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