Thursday, November 6, 2014



Republicans take control: GOP sweeps to Senate majority with a series of victories ....
For Conservatives, Liberal Tears Taste Sweet....
Senate: Republicans Net Sixth Seat To Win Control....
Analysis: Wins give GOP wider Washington influence....
Republicans get the 'wave' they wanted ....
Election Lab on track to forecast 35 of 36 Senate races correctly....
A huge night for Republicans....
How the Lame Democrats Blew It ....
Morning after: Obama, GOP in new political dynamic....
new reality....

Alongside the mother who tried to kill her as a child, a tearful Wendy Davis concedes defeat after trouncing in Texas...

Legislature to decide Vermont governor's race...

Shumlin In Front, But Race For Governor Still Too Close To Call...

Christie: GOP wins show focus on leadership...

takes a victory lap...

Election history in South Carolina: Tim Scott becomes the first ever black man to enter the Senate in the South by winning a public election ...

'Human Barbie' is punched and strangled by two men outside her home after 'two-year hate campaign by strangers' ...

TV host stunned after finding out Republic of Ireland isn't in UK...

People who need to urinate are less likely to believe in free will, bizarre study finds...

Republican gains push dollar to seven-year high versus yen...

Oregon, Alaska, and DC OK Marijuana Use....

D.C. voters overwhelmingly support legalizing marijuana....

Alaskans vote to legalize ....

Florida rejects medical as other states consider pot laws....

Marijuana advocates looking to California in 2016 after Tuesday victories....

Amanda Knox is now writing for a local newspaper in Seattle....
Arizona Republic, The
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
CBS News
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dallas Morning News
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Florida Times-Union
Fox News
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hartford Courant
Houston Chronicle
Indianapolis Star and News
International Herald Tribune
Kansas City Star
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
New Jersey Online
New York Daily News
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Times
NPR Online
Orlando Sentinel
Oregonian, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Providence Journal
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Sacramento Bee
Salt Lake City Deseret News
Salt Lake City Tribune
San Antonio Express-News
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tampa Tribune
USA Today
Virginian-Pilot, The
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times

Tom Brokaw's cellphone goes off on live election show....

Four red states pass minimum wage hikes....

Another George Bush starts his political career in Texas ....

George P. Bush wins first election. Too soon to talk about White House 2024? ....

China Cautions Officials Against Supporting Dalai Lama And Practicing Religion ....

Vows to Punish Officials in Tibet who Support Dalai Lama....

Kansas Republican senator, governor win re-election....

Alex from Target talks about receiving marriage proposals on Ellen DeGeneres after becoming an internet sensation....

Marketing campaign or viral photo? Company claims responsibility for viral #AlexFromTarget meme....

Alex denies it....

Facebook 'I'm a voter' app nudges voters to polls ....

Study: Google Glass blocks peripheral vision...

Republican wave extends to governors' mansions in bright blue states...

Republican wave extends to governors' mansions in bright blue states...

Scott Walker elected to second term, third election victory in four years...


'Kissing Bug' Now Spreading Tropical Disease in U.S....

Indiana candidate hits rival with car, steals campaign signs: cops ..

Make your emoji racially accurate: Skin tone modifier lets you change face icons to make them look more realistic...

Age, The (Melbourne)
Asahi (Japan)
BBC News
CNN - World News
Canadian Online Explorer
China Daily
Hong Kong Standard
International Herald Tribune
Irish Times
Japan Times
Jerusalem Post
Johannesburg Star
Korea Herald
Le Monde (France)
London Telegraph
London Times
PlanetSun (Canada)
Russia Today
St. Petersburg Times (Russia)
South China Morning Post
Times of India
Toronto Star
USA Today World

The Blaze
Real Clear Politics
National Review
The Weekly Standard
Independent Journal Review
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos

3 charged with feeding homeless in Fort Lauderdale ...

90-year-old man, two pastors face possible jail time...

Amnesty International accuses Israel of committing war crimes during Gaza war this summer...

Break-in suspect tries to hide from cops in Oregon lingerie modeling agency....

Lovemaking dolls photobomb North Korea's Kim Jong-un....

Pictures show North Korea's Kim Jong-Un walking without stick...

Australian teenager killed by lightning same day his dad texts, 'Are you still alive, son?' ...

Apple's gold Watch to cost $5,000: Pricing rumours emerge ahead of the gadget's release next year...

'Democalypse 2014': Jon Stewart Apologizes for 'Flip' Joke to CNN Claiming He Didn't Vote...

Mob lynches Christian couple in Pakistan, dozens arrested ...

Facebook's government user data requests up 24% ...

Clay Aiken Campaign Bus Breaks Down ...

Loses Congressional Bid in North Carolina, Wins Reality Special...


XXX Honor The Fallen XXX


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