London arrests 4 in terror investigation...
suspects face second day of questioning...
Jihadi plot to attack UK smashed: MI5 seize Briton known as 'The Surgeon' who'd fought in Syria amid fears his gang was planning a beheading...
linked to Isis jihadists ...

'At least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border': Rep. Duncan Hunter claims militants were attempting to gain access to the U.S. via Texas ...
Death of Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas Fuels Alarm Over Ebola...
patient zero...
to be cremated...
Family distraught over death...
eyes lawsuit...
Tod Robberson: Thomas Duncan did not have to die ...
Newly Vigilant, U.S. Is to Screen Fliers for Ebola...

'I'm afraid of what will happen if he refuses treatment for pedophilia': Bombshell claims of the wife of 7th Heaven star Stephen Collins about his 'secret life of child abuse' ...
False report sparks Stephen Collins suicide rumors ...
Police descend on California home of 'disgraced' 7th Heaven star Stephen Collins after false gunshot report...
FBI Wants You to Identify American ISIS Fighters ...
Seeks Public's Help Identifying Masked Man in ISIS Video...
Super-dad who fathered 16 children and has 33 grandchildren dies suddenly aged 56...
Apple iPhone 6 owners complain gadget is LITERALLY pulling their hair out...
Hackers Hijack Jennifer Lawrence Wikipedia Page With Nude Photos...
Jennifer Lawrence hacked nude photos shared on actress' Wikipedia page...
Jennifer Lawrence denounces nude photos hack as 'sex crime'...
Six things the photo hack could be other than a 'sex crime'...
Facing Threat From Pot Farms, West Coast Fisher Proposed For Endangered Species Protection ...
Virginia Congressional Map Struck Down by Federal-Court Panel ...
rejects Virginia black-majority district...
High school football team cancels season in wake of bullying allegations ...
rocked by hazing allegations ...
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Washington Post
Washington Times
Man accused of posing as 'Twilight' actor to lure girls faces federal child porn charges...
Policeman walking his dog bumps into colleagues who had just found his missing wife hanged ...

OUT OF THE INNER CIRCLE: Rev. Al cuts ties with 'Brother Sanford' Rubenstein after claims the high-powered lawyer raped one of Sharpton's 'most trusted' advisers ...
California high school tutor hacked into teachers' computers, changed grades - then fled the country: cops ....
Foods labeled 'natural' likely to contain GMOs, new Consumer Report study finds.....
EBay starts live auction site....
Rise of mobile devices, cloud computing shake up Silicon Valley...
Wal-Mart Cuts Healthcare To 30,000 Part-Time Workers....
raises healthcare costs, cuts benefits....
Cuts Reopen Debate Over Obamacare Costs, Savings ....
Hawaii Officials Drop Plan To Rename Popular Beach For Obama ...
Mitt Romney For President In 2016? Not Entirely Out Of The Question...
Mother, boyfriend face murder charge after son's alcohol-related death...
by putting alcohol in IV...
Sierra Leone burial crews reportedly on strike, leaving Ebola victims in the street ...
Well-known Washington rabbi tells congregation 'I am a gay man.' ...
Woman diagnosed with terminal cancer chooses to die Nov. 1...
29-year-old woman: Why I'm taking my own life...
Maybe he didn't want a fuss! President Putin ignores celebrations in Russian cities to mark his 62nd birthday by spending day in the Siberian wilderness...
Flight Attendants Union Calls For Increased Passenger Screening For Ebola ...
Newly-wed doctor shoots bride dead in bitter pre-nup argument hours after exchanging vows...
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Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos
Seattle Tops U.S. for Pedestrian Safety as Detroit Trails...
Life Expectancy Rate Climbs: Americans Are Living Longer Than Ever Before...
California Drought Worries Pool Industry...
national problem...
Calif. boy, 9, in coma after electric shock at his own birthday party...
Diner stabbed restaurant worker who refused to lend him a pen 'to get a girl's phone number'...
Child abuse cases linked to twisted beliefs in witchcraft increasing across the UK...
Palestinian protesters, Israeli police clash at Jerusalem holy site...
America usurped: $17TRILLION China overtakes U.S. as the the world's largest economy, says IMF - as America falls into second place for the first time since 1872....
'Dog Rock Fire' prompts evacuations in Yosemite...
Airtanker Pilot Killed in Crash Fighting Yosemite Park Wildfire...
Flight to the isles delayed for two hours while ground staff wait for GLUE to dry on wing patch...
US faces greatest military challenge from China: Bobby Jindal...
Mayday PAC Pledges $1 Million to Help South Dakota Democratic Senate Hopeful...
Unlikely South Dakota Senate Race Attracts Big Money From Campaign Finance Reformers...

Twitter sues US Department of Justice and FBI over right to disclose surveillance requests...
in fight over national security gag orders...
Same-sex marriage begins in Idaho as 9th Circuit lifts stay...
State senator pops the question after Nevada's gay marriage ban falls...
Land of wedding chapels ready for gay weddings...
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