Ebola is in America: Dallas man is diagnosed with disease AFTER return from Africa...
victim was originally SENT HOME from hospital with antibiotics before the deadly virus was diagnosed after he had mixed with other people for TWO DAYS...
First confirmed case of Ebola confirmed in the United States: CDC...
Traveler from Liberia is first Ebola patient diagnosed in U.S....
Ebola's arrival in U.S. was inevitable, experts say...
Officials begin tracing contacts of Texas patient diagnosed with Ebola ...
What We Know About the Texas Ebola Patient...
case stokes concerns for Liberians in Dallas...
CDC Says Deadly Virus Will be Contained but Warns of Potential for 'Additional Cases'...

7 Questions for Secret Service Director Julia Pierson After White House Intrusion...
chief admits to failures...
boss still secretive about breach ...
Details of presidential security breaches evolve...
Armed contractor with criminal record was on elevator with Obama in Atlanta...
The man who jumped the White House fence this month and sprinted through the front door made it much farther into the building than previously known, overpowering one Secret Service officer and running through much of the main floor...
Lax White House security and misleading accounts...
'It has wrecked my life': Man who has 100 orgasms a day breaks down as he describes the daily hell of his rare medical condition ...
Are you Good2Go? New app allows users to give 'consent' prior to sex... while logging the name and number of their partner...
Chris Brown's Mother And Karrueche Tran Seriously Worried About Gang Affiliation...
Jennifer Lopez Rear-Ended By Drunk Driver...
Long a target of Texas lawmakers, the Fed shown as timid in secret Goldman Sachs tapes...
The Fed Is Even Afraid To Ask Goldman Sachs The Easy Questions...
Casino mogul Steve Wynn tells gambling industry it's not about slot machines, it's experience...
The most ticketed car in America is The Subaru WRX...
CLOSING IN: Explosives and supplies found in Pa. woods during search for alleged cop killer Eric Frein, police say ...
VA settles complaints by 3 Phoenix whistleblowers...
Man crushed by tractor in San Diego County...
Anti-Islamic ads depicting Foley before his beheading pulled in NYC after criticism from Foley's parents...
Homeless Boston woman accused of punching commuter in face with a corkscrew in 'unprovoked' attack ...
'It's despicable': Widow's fury as college invites her cop husband's killer to give a graduation speech...
Is Jack Ma the most bizarre billionaire ever? He may be worth $14billion but Alibaba founder performs in pop concerts for his staff and MARRIES them in mass ceremonies...
Stanford climatologists say cause of California drought linked to climate change...
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Detroit News
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Washington Post
Washington Times
Don't dump gran in a care home, urged Pope: Francis says practice of putting elderly into care is form of 'hidden euthanasia'.....
US airstrikes against ISIS reportedly suffer from intelligence gaps.....
The great American freakout.....
Officials: Bell Gardens, California, mayor shot and killed by wife....
Pennsylvania state trooper fatally shot during yearly gun training exercise...
Standoff in Hong Kong on China's National Day....
Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong's 'most civil' disobedience....
News stories buried, social media censored as authorities try to quell Hong Kong protests....
protesters heckle Hong Kong leader at Chinese National Day event ....
Government's Strategy on Protesters: Wait Them Out....
UC to create more 'gender-neutral' restrooms....
US military battles to halt spread of Ebola virus in West Africa...
Thousands of Ebola Orphans Shunned by Communities...
Speeding hit and run driver who left pedestrian in coma was desperate for the TOILET ...
Thailand builds taste-testing robots to ensure uniformity of Thai dishes...
Luxy is the dating app for wealthy, attractive douchbags. At last!...
Protest over contract award to delay work on NASA space taxi...
Forbes 400: Richest Americans Facing Tougher Competition In China Business...
Paralysis cases in children baffle doctors ...
Children paralyzed by respiratory illness...
Spider bite left dad in intensive care after venomous beast started feasting on his shoulder...
World's oldest clown dies at 98 in Montana ...
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The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos
Saudi overhaul reshapes Islam's holiest city Mecca...
bans Hajj pilgrims from Ebola countries...

Germans Learn Craft Beers From U.S. to Bring Back Buzz...
Brooklyn teacher accused of kidnapping, engaging in sex acts with female students - but he still gets $52K salary...
Mounting Evidence of Illicit Relationships Results in More Charges...
Colorado Supreme court to hear pot firing case...
Man convicted of killing his wife 20 years ago with a lethal injection of nicotine...
'We heard a thump, a thump, thump': Missing Kentucky woman found alive in car trunk ...
Chemical used in ROCKET FUEL and found in drinking water linked to abnormally low IQ in children ...
Londoners Exchange First-Born Children For Free Wi-Fi ...
North Texas Patient Tested for Possible Ebola ...
The Head-Scratching Case of the Vanishing Bees...
4-Year Degrees Coming to Community Colleges ...
Suspect In Missing UVa Student Case, Jesse Matthew, Linked To 2009 Murder: Cops...
Nurse with throat infection 'said sick baby was better of dead, then breathed in its face'...
British official tweets himself into shame with explicit photos...
Supreme Court rules 5-4 for Republican plan to limit early voting in Ohio...
Christie, first lady hit the trail in tight Wisconsin governor's race...

Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I'll be damned' if Americans lead ISIS fight...
NYPD officer pleads innocent to drunken beating of woman after breaking into her apartment ...
Colorado high court mulls legality of firing for marijuana use...
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