Thursday, March 17, 2016

Inside Marco's Hollow Campaign


Trump wins THREE states on ‘Super Tuesday Three’ and forces Rubio OUT of the race with a landslide victory in Florida: The Donald gets 45% of the vote to crush Marco in his home state - but Kasich thumps the tycoon....
devastating blow to Rubio...
Rubio's demise marks the last gasp of the Republican reboot...
From 'Republican savior' to Republican underachiever...
Now what?...
Keeps GOP's Contested-Convention Dreams Alive...
Clinton sweeps Florida, Ohio and North Carolina....
Exit polls suggest plenty of appetite for a third-party alternative to Donald Trump...
Top conservatives gather to plot third-party run against Trump...

Rock hard steak, demanding ex-wives, and parties with Hillary Clinton: How Donald Trump spends his time at his luxurious 20-acre Mar-a-Lago estate, according to his butler of 30 years..

Apple says the Founding Fathers would be 'appalled' with the Justice Dept. for iPhone fight..

Pennsylvania Man Arrested and Charged for Celeb Nude Photo Hack..

to admit stealing stars' nude images..

EPA sharply criticized for Flint mistakes at hearing...

$150,000 Reward To Be Given to Homeless Man, Target Employees and Van Owner in Capture of Escaped Inmates..

Pennsylvania Charges Ex-Leaders of Catholic Order With Aiding Sexual Predator.....

Marco Rubio's DC campaign office is evacuated after suspicious white powder is found in the building....

Transgender bathroom bill advancing in Tennessee House...

UC Berkeley basketball coach asked reporter for sex, sent her threatening texts, report says....

Obama Administration Will Not Allow Atlantic Offshore Drilling.....

Driver Whose Corvette Crash During Test Drive Left Salesman Dead Is Now a Fugitive: DA.....

Chipotle says sales recovering, but down 26 percent in Feb.....

warns it's about to slip into the red...

Accused Kalamazoo gunman told police Uber app 'took over his mind and body'.....
Arizona Republic, The
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
CBS News
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dallas Morning News
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Florida Times-Union
Fox News
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hartford Courant
Houston Chronicle
Indianapolis Star and News
International Herald Tribune
Kansas City Star
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
New Jersey Online
New York Daily News
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Times
NPR Online
Orlando Sentinel
Oregonian, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Providence Journal
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Sacramento Bee
Salt Lake City Deseret News
Salt Lake City Tribune
San Antonio Express-News
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tampa Tribune
USA Today
Virginian-Pilot, The
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times

February breaks global temperature records by 'shocking' amount ...

Pigeons With Backpacks Tweeting About Air Pollution in London?..

Scientists Grow Dinosaur Legs In Chicken Embryos..

13.1 million U.S. coastal residents could face flooding from rising sea levels, study says..

could put 50 percent of Florida population at risk, new study finds..

People are increasingly relying on Siri for advice on suicide, rape and heart attacks..

To quit smoking, it's best to go cold turkey, study finds..

Amid climbing addiction rates and overdose death toll, CDC adjusts painkiller guidelines...

Doctors told to avoid prescribing opiates for chronic pain...

Study finds high psychosis risk among Europe's refugee migrants..
Woman banned from keeping her potty-trained, quad bike-riding pet alligator 'Rambo' because he's TOO BIG.....

Half of People Killed by Police Have a Disability: Report.....

'Difficult' Patients Tend to Get Worse Care, Studies Find...

Americans will be able buy and consume Cuban cigars and liquor abroad.....

U.S. police escape federal charges in 96 percent of rights cases...

Texas festival apologizes after Muslim Olympian told to remove hijab....

Missiles with warheads bound for US found on passenger flight...

Ben Carson on the man he endorsed: Even if Trump stinks, we only have to deal with him for four years..

Age, The (Melbourne)
Asahi (Japan)
BBC News
CNN - World News
Canadian Online Explorer
China Daily
Hong Kong Standard
International Herald Tribune
Irish Times
Japan Times
Jerusalem Post
Johannesburg Star
Korea Herald
Le Monde (France)
London Telegraph
London Times
PlanetSun (Canada)
Russia Today
St. Petersburg Times (Russia)
South China Morning Post
Times of India
Toronto Star
USA Today World

The Blaze
Real Clear Politics
National Review
The Weekly Standard
Independent Journal Review
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos

Driver killed in bomb blast in car driving through Berlin..

Doctor 'performed sex act on bottle before groping woman's bottom in bar and remarking how big it was'..

Tennessee bill would ban students' gripefest over mean talk unless there's real threat..

Mexican man pleads guilty to rape, murder in Ohio rampage..

Anonymous declares 'total war' on Donald Trump..

Researchers say FAA is really overblowing risk posed by small drones...

Homeless man cleans up beaches every day because 'he's embarrassed about the pollution'..

Man dies after bouncer puts him in chokehold....

Man falls asleep at bus stop - and wakes up to find a fox chewing his trousers....

Quietly, symbolically, US control of the internet was just ended...

New pill lights up cancerous tumours making them easier to get rid of...

Cleveland poll worker pulls out gun during argument at polling station...

Female teacher admits possessing sexual images of children and extreme ANIMAL PORN..

Black hole spotted emitting dazzling red flashes with the power of 1,000 suns..

Arizona Has a Plan to Get Revenge on Its Pro-Worker Cities ...

US millennials feel more working class than any other generation ...

Bill seeks to reduce the hiring of rogue police officers in Colorado ...

Mum's shock after son left fighting for life after suffering stroke at just two days old ...


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