McCain: Petraeus investigation 'grievously mishandled'....
'outrageous that the highly confidential and law enforcement-sensitive recommendation of prosecutors to bring charges against General Petraeus was leaked to the New York Times'....

Schoolchildren aged just NINE 'caught plotting to kill their teacher after she told them off'
Dozy burglar caught red-handed after falling ASLEEP on victim's sofa during break in...
Eyeing 2016, Jeb Bush applies old lesson from Florida run...
Report: Jeb Bush aims to raise $100 million in three months...
George Zimmerman Arrested For Aggravated Assault With Weapon...
back in court after domestic violence incident...
Obama to Announce Cybersecurity Plans in State of the Union Preview...
White House seeks cyber bounce from Sony hack concerns....
Governor-Elect Bruce Rauner Says Illinois' Finances Are Even Worse Than He Thought ..
Baltimore female bishop charged with manslaughter....
in hit-and-run that killed NJ native...

Tiffany's Engagement Ad Features First-Ever Gay Couple...
Rings In New Year In A Big Way....
Rumors of Fidel Castro's death sweeps Internet, but no signs in Cuba....
Arizona Republic, The
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
CBS News
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dallas Morning News
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Florida Times-Union
Fox News
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hartford Courant
Houston Chronicle
Indianapolis Star and News
International Herald Tribune
Kansas City Star
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
New Jersey Online
New York Daily News
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Times
NPR Online
Orlando Sentinel
Oregonian, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Providence Journal
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Sacramento Bee
Salt Lake City Deseret News
Salt Lake City Tribune
San Antonio Express-News
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tampa Tribune
USA Today
Virginian-Pilot, The
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times
French authorities hunt most wanted woman in France; fears of new terror attack....

Attack on Jewish market leaves familiar sense of dread....
France's Jews Shudder Over Being Targeted for Attack-Again....
Do Jews Have a Future in France?.....
French police end twin standoffs, killing Charlie Hebdo terror suspects and an associate....
probe terror suspect links; new attacks may be ahead...
U.S. issues global travel alert following Paris terror attacks...
Muslims Fear Backlash....
Overburdened French Dropped Surveillance of Brothers....
Ten bodies and 11 heads found in violent Mexican state...
Developing world awaits system which allows Bill Gates to drink water made of human waste...

Prosecutors weigh charges against David Petraeus involving classified information...
may face felony charges....
Death row killer couple allowed SEX so their parents can have grandchild to remember them by....
House passes 40-hour workweek for Obamacare; just 12 Democrats back change...
Feds question Chris Christie about bridge scandal....
Anti-Islamic pastor Terry Jones opens french-fry stand in Florida despite Al Qaeda threat against his life....
Washington foster mom would rather give child away than get vaccinated for flu...
Wash. woman tracked down attacker on Facebook after he allegedly slit her throat, left her to die....

Can monkeys learn to recognize themselves in the mirror?...
Age, The (Melbourne)
Asahi (Japan)
BBC News
CNN - World News
Canadian Online Explorer
China Daily
Hong Kong Standard
International Herald Tribune
Irish Times
Japan Times
Jerusalem Post
Johannesburg Star
Korea Herald
Le Monde (France)
London Telegraph
London Times
PlanetSun (Canada)
Russia Today
St. Petersburg Times (Russia)
South China Morning Post
Times of India
Toronto Star
USA Today World
The Blaze
Real Clear Politics
National Review
The Weekly Standard
Independent Journal Review
The Rush Limbaugh Show
The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos
Former LA mayor Villaraigosa considering Senate run...

Michael Sam Engaged to Longtime Boyfriend Vito Cammisano: Report...
Agent Orange-Contaminated Planes Could Have Sickened Vets After The War: Federal Report...
Indiana Couple Arrested for Filming Baby Playing With Handgun...
Reddit has invented a new sexuality for people who go 'a bit gay' when they smoke cannabis...
Schoolgirl claims her yearbook photo was photo-shopped to make her look prettier WITHOUT her permission....
Iowa Republicans vote in favor of keeping presidential straw poll...
Oregon state senator says his free community college plan, unlike Obama's, has a reasonable chance of passing...
House approves Keystone bill, as court ruling delivers win to pipeline backers...

The NYPD Slowdown's Dirty Little Secret...
North Carolina woman accidentally shoots husband after he triggers home alarm ...
Hunt for killer in trendy San Francisco neighborhood after four men were shot dead inside car and homes were riddled with bullets...
#OpCharlieHebdo: Anonymous declares war on terrorist websites...
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