Monday, August 18, 2014



Isis militants plan to 'marry' captured Yazidi women ...
New US strikes in Iraq include land-based bombers...
US airstrikes helping Kurdish, Iraqi forces retake Mosul dam from Islamic State...
Make no mistake, we're back in an Iraq war...
Cameron warns of possible IS threat to UK...
Britain may work with Iran to deal with IS threat...

Perry Indictment Exposes Texas' Political Divide ...

Unbelievably Ridiculous...

'I Stood Up For The Rule Of Law': Defiant Perry Declares He'd Make 'Exactly The Same Decision'...

Points Out That Even Some Democrats Don't Think He Should Have Been Indicted...

Calls Indictment a 'Farce'...

Cruz: I'm 'proud to stand with Rick Perry'...

California juvenile arrested for making school shooting threats over Instagram...

Hong Kong Pro-China Protesters Take To the Streets Against 'Occupy Central' Movement...

Attracts Thousands...

Los Angeles to offer 'cash for voting' in new plan to enter public into lottery where the top prize is up to $50,000...

D.A hopes to spare Amish girls from testifying about alleged sexual abuse...

Neighbors of Amish Kidnapping Suspects Still in Shock..

Police looking for skateboarders involved in park ranger beating..

AIR SCARE: Jet Airways plane plunges 5,000 feet as commander dozes, co-pilot checks iPad ...

Shocking twist in Texas 'she-cave' heist as disappointed burglar contacts local paper to complain that $1M in jewels and designer goods stolen from a socialite are FAKE...

Women call police after being 'held hostage' by PET CAT in their own home...

Montana Democrats chooses first-term state legislator as Senate candidate...

Rep. Amanda Curtis: Women's rights, labor activist...

strikes populist theme in Senate campaign...

Pervert morgue assistant admits to having sex with up to 100 bodies...

Childhood friend of Darren Wilson says cop is not racist and would never do 'something stupid' on duty as new yearbook photo shows him at 16 - two years younger than his victim Michael Brown ...

Mother was 'a serial con artist who defrauded thousands of dollars from neighbors in stolen credit card scheme'...

Arizona Republic, The
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
CBS News
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dallas Morning News
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Florida Times-Union
Fox News
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hartford Courant
Houston Chronicle
Indianapolis Star and News
International Herald Tribune
Kansas City Star
Las Vegas Sun
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
New Jersey Online
New York Daily News
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Times
NPR Online
Orlando Sentinel
Oregonian, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Providence Journal
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Sacramento Bee
Salt Lake City Deseret News
Salt Lake City Tribune
San Antonio Express-News
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tampa Tribune
USA Today
Virginian-Pilot, The
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times

Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients...

EBOLA FEARS RISE: Liberian residents raid quarantine center for suspected patients, take blood-stained sheets and mattresses ...

With aid doctors gone, the fight against Ebola in West Africa grows harder...

Beware Fake Ebola Treatments on the Internet, FDA Says...

Missouri Gov. declares emergency, imposes curfew in Ferguson...

curfew extended to 2nd day as unrest continues...

Seven Arrested and One Shot...

Justice Dept. authorizes 2nd autopsy on Michael Brown...

PAPER: A black president couldn't stop the Ferguson race riots...

California airport stowaway released from prison due to overcrowding ...

Notre Dame investigating four players for academic fraud ...

NBC News Eulogizes Kicked-To-Curb David Gregory On 'Meet The Press'...

New Drug Helps Some Bald Patients Regrow Hair...

Eye donation by gay teen declined because of FDA policy...

NC lawmakers direct who will judge their laws...

Albertson's stores hacked for credit card data...

Hundreds of stores Hit ...

Why credit monitoring will not help you after a data breach...

Woman turns to plastic surgery to make hands 'selfie worthy' ...

Escapologist cheats death when blazing Houdini act goes wrong in front of horrified crowd...

Family of missing Ohio man who was legally declared dead 20 years ago forced to repay $47,000 in Social Security benefits they were granted after HE turned up alive...

Drunken subway rider stabs three commuters at Grand Central Station, leaving one with a near-fatal injury: cops ...

Naked Illinois robber caught getting dressed in bank bathroom: police...

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, holed up in Ecuadorian embassy in London for two years, has heart condition, other ailments stemming from lack of sunlight: report ...

Age, The (Melbourne)
Asahi (Japan)
BBC News
CNN - World News
Canadian Online Explorer
China Daily
Hong Kong Standard
International Herald Tribune
Irish Times
Japan Times
Jerusalem Post
Johannesburg Star
Korea Herald
Le Monde (France)
London Telegraph
London Times
PlanetSun (Canada)
Russia Today
St. Petersburg Times (Russia)
South China Morning Post
Times of India
Toronto Star
USA Today World

The Blaze
Real Clear Politics
National Review
The Weekly Standard
Independent Journal Review
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Huffington Post
Village Voice
Crooks and Liars
New Yorker
Daily Kos

Christie aides' legal costs in Bridgegate sock taxpayers, motorists with $8.5M tab...

The deafening public silence of American Jewish leaders...

Relocation to startup nation: Why Diaspora tekkies are flocking to Israel...

CRAZY, STUPID LOVE: Texas woman steals $3.99 bottle of wine so she would get busted and see her boyfriend in jail, cops say ...

Lucky hunters take part in first-ever gator hunt at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge...

Facing aging prison facilities, Vermont lawmakers consider whether to build new or patch old...

Westboro Baptist Church planning anti-gay protest outside Robin Williams' funeral - because of late actor's role in The Birdcage...

Cruel driver tosses tiny kitten from speeding car in Washington...

Friend of man whose illness began the world-famous ice bucket challenge dies after diving in Nantucket water to celebrate the viral campaign's success...

The $168 Billion Obamacare Windfall Many Hospitals Are Missing...

Facebook to flag satirical articles to stop users falling for the Onion's jokes ...

Have insurers found new ways to avoid the sick?...

People with low confidence and self-esteem issues MORE likely to boast about their relationships on Facebook ...

3 Long Island Beaches Closed Due To High Bacteria...

German with horn implants, 453 piercings denied entry to Dubai over fears he practices 'black magic,' he says...


XXX Honor The Fallen XXX


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